Sunday, March 29, 2009

3rd day in US

To all the frens, I been in US for 3 days. Is a rush trip that my boss inform me during I am on stupid sickness that I have to go to hospital for mearly sore throat and fever. WTH???

Been first time stepping into US soil and long plane trip. First impression here.... not to my liking. Have to adjust to right lane, feel small with the US plp (physically and mentally), not feel like home. But I am making progress, like the food, like the plp. Infact yesterday a totaly stranger I think around his 50 sharing a table to have dinner with me. Not due to the restaurant is full but is exact opposite that it is totally empty. We chat we talk, I kind of like this as I dont have to eat alone.

Notice 1 thing here that credit card is very very useful here. Even on a meal of US$ of under 10 they accept the card. This is good news for me as I am running low on cash and just been to ATM and WTF cant get money from my Citi bank account. I think I need to get some cash from the PG frens here with transferring some RM to their Malaysia account.

Havent been to much place yet, still feeling the jet lag. Today slept till 12pm and I am suppose to have poker night with frens last night but I blow it as I fall asleep at 8pm. Woke up around 12am and well dont care about letting the frens know as well that I "Fong Fei Kei" lah.... hahaha.

Will update some pic when I have times.... or I take more pic. hehe. Weather is damn cold here.... shivering when out of lobby to my car.

Till next time lah.... I want to enjoy my beer at the bistro here. Free Drink!! yeah!!

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